all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 7NH 16 1 51.576306 -0.195365
NW11 7NJ 1 1 51.577254 -0.194418
NW11 7NL 1 1 51.577012 -0.193923
NW11 7NN 25 0 51.575808 -0.196125
NW11 7NP 20 2 51.575077 -0.195937
NW11 7NR 39 0 51.574905 -0.194703
NW11 7NS 11 0 51.574527 -0.194689
NW11 7NT 18 2 51.574152 -0.195667
NW11 7NU 4 4 51.572558 -0.195301
NW11 7NX 1 1 51.572077 -0.195792
NW11 7PE 72 13 51.574093 -0.196463
NW11 7PH 36 11 51.5714 -0.194448
NW11 7PL 1 1 51.571448 -0.194677
NW11 7PT 26 10 51.571255 -0.193761
NW11 7QE 17 11 51.571058 -0.194404
NW11 7QG 44 1 51.569754 -0.193046
NW11 7QH 62 1 51.569625 -0.193667
NW11 7QJ 4 0 51.568245 -0.193924
NW11 7QL 12 0 51.569392 -0.191916
NW11 7QP 2 0 51.568598 -0.19097