all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 7QR 11 0 51.569164 -0.190554
NW11 7QS 7 0 51.569747 -0.191051
NW11 7QU 10 0 51.570709 -0.19221
NW11 7QY 15 0 51.570785 -0.19189
NW11 7RA 3 0 51.571001 -0.192458
NW11 7RE 17 0 51.570827 -0.191123
NW11 7RF 1 0 51.580366 -0.199145
NW11 7RG 37 0 51.570727 -0.190449
NW11 7RH 5 0 51.570627 -0.189832
NW11 7RJ 46 4 51.571462 -0.192079
NW11 7RL 61 0 51.571016 -0.189947
NW11 7RN 6 6 51.572206 -0.194835
NW11 7RP 1 0 51.571661 -0.193298
NW11 7RR 52 13 51.571157 -0.195021
NW11 7RU 1 1 51.571419 -0.194885
NW11 7RX 56 4 51.569956 -0.194679
NW11 7SA 16 0 51.569141 -0.194336
NW11 7SB 37 0 51.568703 -0.194299
NW11 7SG 6 0 51.57035 -0.188776
NW11 7SH 20 0 51.570344 -0.189555