all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 3BY 7 0 51.541538 -0.170192
NW3 3DE 3 0 51.545113 -0.163054
NW3 3DG 14 0 51.542843 -0.162785
NW3 3DH 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 3DJ 30 1 51.541974 -0.163415
NW3 3DL 40 0 51.541394 -0.165021
NW3 3DN 27 0 51.541107 -0.167945
NW3 3DP 13 0 51.540639 -0.168498
NW3 3DR 60 0 51.54067 -0.165252
NW3 3DS 36 1 51.541383 -0.163738
NW3 3DU 8 0 51.541964 -0.162344
NW3 3DX 14 0 51.544301 -0.163447
NW3 3DY 14 0 51.544054 -0.163702
NW3 3EA 52 0 51.544016 -0.16304
NW3 3EH 12 0 51.5456 -0.164823
NW3 3EJ 35 0 51.545612 -0.163856
NW3 3EL 62 2 51.545114 -0.164208
NW3 3EN 12 0 51.544505 -0.166684
NW3 3EP 70 0 51.54454 -0.168961
NW3 3ER 15 0 51.544653 -0.168135