all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 3ES 3 0 51.544139 -0.169601
NW3 3ET 30 1 51.54426 -0.170981
NW3 3EU 21 1 51.544054 -0.172399
NW3 3EX 1 0 51.542451 -0.173371
NW3 3EY 9 0 51.544125 -0.171761
NW3 3FB 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 3FF 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 3HA 1 1 51.542287 -0.173234
NW3 3HF 4 3 51.543281 -0.174117
NW3 3HH 12 0 51.543703 -0.155121
NW3 3HJ 43 0 51.544824 -0.170406
NW3 3HL 59 0 51.545034 -0.168292
NW3 3HN 25 0 51.544559 -0.171282
NW3 3HP 1 1 51.544543 -0.172566
NW3 3HR 52 0 51.544892 -0.171875
NW3 3HS 4 0 51.545499 -0.171634
NW3 3HT 15 0 51.54528 -0.172018
NW3 3HU 42 0 51.545072 -0.172488
NW3 3HX 58 0 51.544662 -0.173283
NW3 3HY 1 1 51.544325 -0.174205