all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 3JB 10 0 51.545118 -0.171404
NW3 3JG 49 0 51.54405 -0.168635
NW3 3JH 148 0 51.543777 -0.170737
NW3 3JJ 71 0 51.543273 -0.171305
NW3 3JL 25 1 51.543169 -0.170401
NW3 3JN 49 0 51.543496 -0.16945
NW3 3JP 56 0 51.543496 -0.16945
NW3 3JR 56 0 51.543496 -0.16945
NW3 3JS 20 0 51.54369 -0.168087
NW3 3JT 49 0 51.543593 -0.166432
NW3 3JU 56 0 51.543593 -0.166432
NW3 3JW 21 0 51.543562 -0.167328
NW3 3JX 56 1 51.543593 -0.166432
NW3 3JY 8 1 51.543883 -0.166031
NW3 3JZ 17 0 51.54311 -0.16837
NW3 3LD 28 0 51.543836 -0.165341
NW3 3LG 27 0 51.544229 -0.167459
NW3 3LH 81 0 51.544651 -0.163938
NW3 3LJ 81 0 51.544409 -0.16575
NW3 3LL 8 0 51.544875 -0.162198