all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 6AA 79 1 51.552383 -0.178689
NW3 6AE 23 2 51.553213 -0.177873
NW3 6QA 17 0 51.552109 -0.184971
NW3 6AG 119 1 51.551036 -0.180167
NW3 6AH 14 0 51.549885 -0.18017
NW3 6AJ 30 0 51.549605 -0.180672
NW3 6AL 38 8 51.550015 -0.180958
NW3 6AP 12 0 51.550297 -0.180586
NW3 6AR 61 0 51.550927 -0.180676
NW3 6AU 18 0 51.554927 -0.176521
NW3 6AX 22 0 51.553612 -0.178103
NW3 6AY 11 0 51.553887 -0.178438
NW3 6BA 24 0 51.554273 -0.178816
NW3 6BB 52 0 51.553747 -0.179266
NW3 6BD 1 1 51.554529 -0.179249
NW3 6BE 4 0 51.554493 -0.179799
NW3 6BG 12 0 51.552424 -0.179751
NW3 6BH 48 0 51.551686 -0.18206
NW3 6BJ 66 0 51.551182 -0.182022
NW3 6BP 44 6 51.549855 -0.181657