all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 9BA 8 0 52.049068 -1.334455
OX16 9BB 1 0 52.049634 -1.33433
OX16 9BD 10 0 52.049896 -1.336149
OX16 9BE 20 3 52.052572 -1.334038
OX16 9BF 1 0 52.054563 -1.334767
OX16 9BG 2 0 52.053376 -1.332815
OX16 9BH 19 0 52.055183 -1.333183
OX16 9BJ 26 0 52.054404 -1.332101
OX16 9BL 26 0 52.054909 -1.332312
OX16 9BN 13 0 52.05535 -1.334026
OX16 9BP 8 0 52.0518 -1.335902
OX16 9BQ 25 0 52.054222 -1.333285
OX16 9BS 13 0 52.053943 -1.331597
OX16 9BT 26 0 52.054825 -1.330257
OX16 9BU 22 0 52.054368 -1.328863
OX16 9BW 21 0 52.055857 -1.333071
OX16 9BX 43 0 52.054766 -1.327705
OX16 9BY 15 0 52.055938 -1.329817
OX16 9BZ 23 0 52.056264 -1.330221
OX16 9DB 1 1 52.051228 -1.336494