all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 6RZ 3 1 51.814528 -1.4412
OX29 6SA 29 3 51.813563 -1.436701
OX29 6SB 22 0 51.814195 -1.431804
OX29 6SD 9 1 51.814587 -1.440271
OX29 6SE 16 0 51.814181 -1.440058
OX29 6SF 11 0 51.81451 -1.433613
OX29 6SG 14 0 51.813153 -1.432656
OX29 6SH 13 0 51.813447 -1.431451
OX29 6SJ 4 0 51.813916 -1.429791
OX29 6SL 1 0 51.813387 -1.430001
OX29 6SN 1 1 51.814999 -1.430604
OX29 6SP 13 0 51.813002 -1.434256
OX29 6SQ 13 0 51.813271 -1.432149
OX29 6SW 11 10 51.814814 -1.42949
OX29 6SS 1 1 51.812976 -1.438144
OX29 6TA 10 2 51.798646 -1.473459
OX29 6TD 4 0 51.800758 -1.4673
OX29 6TE 6 1 51.812983 -1.457609
OX29 6TF 41 2 51.81496 -1.459297
OX29 6TG 2 0 51.815419 -1.457493