all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 6QN 3 0 51.829266 -1.452902
OX29 6QQ 4 0 51.836987 -1.44294
OX29 6RA 26 0 51.811969 -1.441812
OX29 6RB 14 0 51.809302 -1.442686
OX29 6RD 15 1 51.812621 -1.440977
OX29 6RE 33 0 51.809909 -1.441765
OX29 6RF 7 0 51.808202 -1.441945
OX29 6RG 14 0 51.810454 -1.442802
OX29 6RH 47 0 51.81178 -1.438101
OX29 6RJ 22 0 51.812619 -1.434957
OX29 6RL 21 0 51.812621 -1.433405
OX29 6RP 21 0 51.810756 -1.440101
OX29 6RQ 25 0 51.81144 -1.438424
OX29 6RR 10 0 51.813211 -1.442087
OX29 6RS 10 0 51.813595 -1.443402
OX29 6RT 20 0 51.814564 -1.443158
OX29 6RU 27 0 51.814171 -1.44354
OX29 6RW 8 0 51.815059 -1.441237
OX29 6RX 30 0 51.813138 -1.436878
OX29 6RY 5 0 51.813754 -1.431621