all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8NZ 19 0 51.84308 -1.403759
OX29 8PA 3 0 51.851819 -1.432841
OX29 8PB 14 0 51.844155 -1.404703
OX29 8PD 6 0 51.843254 -1.404425
OX29 8PE 14 0 51.843551 -1.406192
OX29 8PF 15 0 51.843107 -1.40605
OX29 8PH 6 0 51.852609 -1.43254
OX29 8PJ 60 0 51.844316 -1.406327
OX29 8PL 11 0 51.850261 -1.432308
OX29 8PN 8 0 51.851556 -1.432394
OX29 8PP 42 1 51.850662 -1.431909
OX29 8PR 9 0 51.848927 -1.429727
OX29 8PS 29 0 51.85057 -1.429357
OX29 8PT 12 0 51.851048 -1.429511
OX29 8PU 25 1 51.851704 -1.431259
OX29 8PW 10 0 51.852117 -1.429352
OX29 8PX 12 1 51.852755 -1.433076
OX29 8PY 20 0 51.853114 -1.431111
OX29 8QA 7 0 51.852091 -1.427756
OX29 8QB 19 0 51.851453 -1.425934