all postcodes in PA13 / KILMACOLM

find any address or company within the PA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA13 4SA 6 0 55.918109 -4.630272
PA13 4SB 1 0 55.912752 -4.637415
PA13 4SD 1 0 55.912606 -4.636669
PA13 4SF 4 0 55.901776 -4.642061
PA13 4SG 25 0 55.899284 -4.636451
PA13 4SH 8 0 55.901071 -4.650731
PA13 4SJ 1 0 55.903115 -4.649592
PA13 4SL 1 0 55.906644 -4.660186
PA13 4SN 2 0 55.913849 -4.666295
PA13 4SP 5 0 55.90398 -4.680628
PA13 4SQ 25 0 55.90332 -4.640918
PA13 4SR 4 0 55.896538 -4.661141
PA13 4SU 9 0 55.886839 -4.651185
PA13 4SX 5 0 55.889685 -4.652163
PA13 4SY 2 0 55.885123 -4.645711
PA13 4TA 6 0 55.876406 -4.646476
PA13 4TF 5 0 55.875011 -4.671115
PA13 4TB 2 0 55.871708 -4.641329
PA13 4TD 3 0 55.868257 -4.646305
PA13 4TE 7 0 55.8704 -4.657402