all postcodes in PA13 / KILMACOLM

find any address or company within the PA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA13 4NQ 3 0 55.886666 -4.613046
PA13 4NR 5 0 55.890554 -4.622968
PA13 4NS 3 0 55.892145 -4.622948
PA13 4NT 3 0 55.889443 -4.623613
PA13 4NU 12 0 55.888385 -4.622262
PA13 4NW 5 0 55.891082 -4.623084
PA13 4NX 8 0 55.8865 -4.620456
PA13 4NY 15 0 55.887604 -4.616724
PA13 4PA 2 0 55.888493 -4.595255
PA13 4PB 7 0 55.888715 -4.621643
PA13 4PD 8 1 55.889585 -4.619096
PA13 4PE 4 0 55.88974 -4.620226
PA13 4PF 11 0 55.892172 -4.619175
PA13 4PG 1 0 55.893946 -4.618558
PA13 4PH 4 0 55.896471 -4.624535
PA13 4PJ 3 0 55.896572 -4.623598
PA13 4PL 8 0 55.89774 -4.621918
PA13 4PN 7 0 55.897434 -4.621065
PA13 4PP 1 0 55.897271 -4.619054
PA13 4PQ 4 0 55.895582 -4.621548