all postcodes in PA13 / KILMACOLM

find any address or company within the PA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA13 4DT 4 2 55.892782 -4.629757
PA13 4DU 6 1 55.892487 -4.63092
PA13 4DW 41 1 55.89339 -4.629046
PA13 4DX 7 0 55.895472 -4.622037
PA13 4DY 10 0 55.891841 -4.632988
PA13 4DZ 30 0 55.8904 -4.636041
PA13 4EA 1 0 55.890944 -4.63667
PA13 4EB 8 0 55.889241 -4.640343
PA13 4ED 6 0 55.889962 -4.639722
PA13 4EE 7 0 55.890662 -4.638522
PA13 4EF 3 0 55.890767 -4.63781
PA13 4EG 8 0 55.891289 -4.63567
PA13 4EH 1 0 55.891785 -4.63436
PA13 4EJ 6 0 55.892055 -4.633898
PA13 4EL 11 0 55.892855 -4.633073
PA13 4EN 11 1 55.894338 -4.627717
PA13 4EP 4 0 55.895469 -4.628915
PA13 4EQ 2 1 55.892428 -4.63509
PA13 4ER 7 0 55.895311 -4.627896
PA13 4ES 7 0 55.894596 -4.627304