all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 6DE 9 0 55.836505 -4.427888
PA2 6DF 18 1 55.836312 -4.427189
PA2 6DG 48 0 55.835786 -4.427428
PA2 6DH 26 0 55.8351 -4.428008
PA2 6DJ 12 0 55.833516 -4.426296
PA2 6DL 59 0 55.839357 -4.427762
PA2 6DN 61 0 55.839432 -4.426697
PA2 6DQ 42 0 55.835786 -4.427428
PA2 6DR 38 1 55.833902 -4.424245
PA2 6DS 48 0 55.834576 -4.424973
PA2 6DT 42 0 55.834576 -4.424973
PA2 6DU 1 0 55.835429 -4.424563
PA2 6DX 48 0 55.835589 -4.426026
PA2 6DY 42 0 55.835589 -4.426026
PA2 6DZ 45 0 55.834873 -4.426301
PA2 6EA 30 0 55.834816 -4.427862
PA2 6EB 32 0 55.834365 -4.427196
PA2 6ED 17 0 55.834126 -4.426382
PA2 6EE 33 0 55.834022 -4.427525
PA2 6EF 2 0 55.832043 -4.42218