all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 6EG 1 0 55.834166 -4.430249
PA2 6EH 4 0 55.833469 -4.428242
PA2 6EJ 10 1 55.833577 -4.423202
PA2 6EL 17 0 55.833212 -4.423067
PA2 6EN 34 2 55.832708 -4.4231
PA2 6EP 39 1 55.831634 -4.423288
PA2 6EQ 12 0 55.833755 -4.429713
PA2 6ER 50 3 55.831702 -4.422783
PA2 6ES 17 10 55.833417 -4.422697
PA2 6ET 24 0 55.833534 -4.429028
PA2 6EU 59 0 55.834188 -4.43188
PA2 6EW 36 1 55.832202 -4.423212
PA2 6HA 16 1 55.831813 -4.434718
PA2 6HB 1 0 55.830797 -4.436986
PA2 6HD 14 0 55.830613 -4.437198
PA2 6HE 23 0 55.829813 -4.43496
PA2 6HF 19 0 55.830542 -4.440339
PA2 6HG 15 0 55.82906 -4.439831
PA2 6HH 24 0 55.829617 -4.442134
PA2 6HJ 4 1 55.828776 -4.441937