all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 6RR 22 0 55.834624 -4.421831
PA2 6RT 1 1 55.833683 -4.420142
PA2 6RU 1 1 55.832331 -4.418718
PA2 6RW 9 1 55.83463 -4.421527
PA2 6RX 26 0 55.832587 -4.417359
PA2 6RY 16 2 55.833176 -4.416677
PA2 6RZ 43 2 55.832539 -4.413875
PA2 6SA 11 0 55.831311 -4.41185
PA2 6SB 28 0 55.830518 -4.411498
PA2 6SD 34 0 55.830002 -4.413079
PA2 6SE 15 0 55.82976 -4.411658
PA2 6SF 43 0 55.830437 -4.413776
PA2 6SG 27 0 55.83071 -4.412691
PA2 6SH 16 0 55.831336 -4.412858
PA2 6SJ 9 0 55.839458 -4.41761
PA2 6SP 7 0 55.837948 -4.417117
PA2 6SQ 59 0 55.831606 -4.414695
PA2 6SR 21 0 55.838733 -4.41672
PA2 6SS 3 0 55.837698 -4.414499
PA2 6ST 12 1 55.836426 -4.414772