all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 6SU 7 0 55.83751 -4.417682
PA2 6SX 7 0 55.836967 -4.416051
PA2 6SY 19 0 55.837247 -4.419868
PA2 6SZ 57 0 55.83791 -4.420421
PA2 6TA 57 0 55.837035 -4.420159
PA2 6TP 36 0 55.835898 -4.416271
PA2 6TR 18 0 55.834693 -4.414918
PA2 6TS 6 0 55.833816 -4.415647
PA2 6TX 16 0 55.833059 -4.412533
PA2 6TY 22 0 55.831696 -4.411459
PA2 6TZ 28 0 55.830942 -4.406845
PA2 6UA 14 0 55.831353 -4.404635
PA2 6UB 18 0 55.831356 -4.407733
PA2 6UD 38 0 55.832402 -4.411199
PA2 6UE 18 0 55.834232 -4.412287
PA2 6UF 6 0 55.833765 -4.411395
PA2 6UG 14 0 55.834382 -4.413813
PA2 6UH 12 0 55.834751 -4.412862
PA2 6UJ 2 0 55.83429 -4.411365
PA2 6UL 6 0 55.834143 -4.410445