all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6SR 68 0 52.767872 -0.013452
PE12 6SS 1 0 52.774369 -0.010144
PE12 6ST 3 0 52.774944 -0.013219
PE12 6SU 3 0 52.785503 -0.011445
PE12 6SX 8 0 52.795326 -0.041793
PE12 6SY 10 0 52.799541 -0.041912
PE12 6SZ 23 0 52.796555 -0.042372
PE12 6TA 35 0 52.798278 -0.037077
PE12 6TD 26 0 52.795933 -0.042107
PE12 6TE 10 0 52.798797 -0.037469
PE12 6TF 5 0 52.799158 -0.037052
PE12 6TG 54 3 52.800412 -0.040037
PE12 6TJ 45 7 52.800254 -0.031025
PE12 6TH 6 0 52.803149 -0.046942
PE12 6UA 9 0 52.803615 -0.016868
PE12 6TL 1 1 52.799992 -0.038558
PE12 6TN 14 0 52.799373 -0.032133
PE12 6TP 29 0 52.79862 -0.033887
PE12 6TQ 1 0 52.800962 -0.036508
PE12 6TR 20 0 52.79843 -0.030703