all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6TS 34 2 52.799691 -0.028528
PE12 6TT 7 0 52.800493 -0.024828
PE12 6TU 9 0 52.790742 -0.025266
PE12 6TW 36 0 52.79956 -0.03254
PE12 6TX 12 0 52.802072 -0.024119
PE12 6TY 5 0 52.785731 -0.012001
PE12 6TZ 28 3 52.798021 -0.01749
PE12 6UB 2 0 52.804224 -0.021039
PE12 6FP 1 0 52.805175 -0.019494
PE12 6UD 1 0 52.808054 -0.021737
PE12 6UE 53 0 52.804915 -0.025455
PE12 6WG 16 0 52.807048 -0.030996
PE12 6WH 2 0 52.80614 -0.025937
PE12 6UF 2 0 52.812787 -0.029375
PE12 6UG 14 0 52.800697 -0.035659
PE12 6UH 3 0 52.798934 -0.031678
PE12 6UL 20 0 52.796251 -0.043587
PE12 6UN 6 0 52.797733 -0.033497
PE12 6UP 19 0 52.79582 -0.04014
PE12 6UR 19 0 52.801377 -0.026817