all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6RD 1 0 52.809361 -0.080349
PE12 6RH 6 0 52.822308 -0.07307
PE12 6RP 6 0 52.795601 -0.048897
PE12 6RQ 46 0 52.805626 -0.086196
PE12 6RR 5 0 52.794979 -0.038205
PE12 6RS 4 0 52.793568 -0.038962
PE12 6RT 13 1 52.787064 -0.036974
PE12 6FT 2 0 52.786584 -0.033481
PE12 6RU 5 0 52.78508 -0.043662
PE12 6RX 1 0 52.781519 -0.036716
PE12 6RY 6 0 52.774142 -0.037033
PE12 6SH 15 0 52.760838 -0.018114
PE12 6SA 10 0 52.77277 -0.027473
PE12 6SB 8 0 52.770113 -0.04878
PE12 6SD 3 0 52.759726 -0.033949
PE12 6SF 17 2 52.760252 -0.03474
PE12 6SG 6 1 52.757752 -0.045239
PE12 6SJ 3 0 52.764842 -0.023654
PE12 6SN 25 1 52.760298 -0.015499
PE12 6SP 6 0 52.762064 -0.014158