all postcodes in PE13 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE13 2BE 8 0 52.664015 0.167062
PE13 2BY 6 0 52.663884 0.166834
PE13 2TG 8 0 52.660148 0.165155
PE13 2GA 4 52.656376 0.159054
PE13 2HT 0 52.65624 0.162508
PE13 2RS 1 1 52.655065 0.157496
PE13 2FH 9 0 52.652771 0.162898
PE13 2FP 1 52.663167 0.15442
PE13 2QZ 1 52.656713 0.161274
PE13 2UR 3 52.652109 0.151422
PE13 2DG 0 52.662054 0.164658
PE13 2FL 6 0 52.6627 0.163773
PE13 2GB 8 0 52.656126 0.157992