all postcodes in PE13 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE13 2PH 1 52.659843 0.160201
PE13 2PJ 0 52.661031 0.158131
PE13 2PL 0 52.660863 0.156984
PE13 2PN 0 52.650604 0.161431
PE13 2PP 0 52.660159 0.15862
PE13 2PQ 0 52.660553 0.159186
PE13 2PR 0 52.659838 0.156978
PE13 2PS 1 52.655686 0.159849
PE13 2PT 0 52.659265 0.156387
PE13 2PU 0 52.658926 0.157228
PE13 2PW 0 52.657384 0.160391
PE13 2PX 0 52.659359 0.159128
PE13 2PY 0 52.658955 0.159093
PE13 2PZ 0 52.658595 0.158572
PE13 2QA 0 52.656246 0.161695
PE13 2QB 0 52.656718 0.161955
PE13 2QD 0 52.658853 0.160729
PE13 2QE 0 52.658543 0.161468
PE13 2QF 2 52.65913 0.160314
PE13 2QG 0 52.659083 0.160933