all postcodes in PE13 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE13 2LL 0 52.661789 0.163003
PE13 2LP 0 52.658956 0.164431
PE13 2LQ 0 52.659854 0.162524
PE13 2LR 0 52.658527 0.163404
PE13 2LS 0 52.659263 0.162894
PE13 2LT 0 52.66003 0.163715
PE13 2LU 0 52.660116 0.163956
PE13 2LW 0 52.658965 0.163426
PE13 2LX 0 52.661237 0.163583
PE13 2LY 3 52.662079 0.163358
PE13 2LZ 0 52.661496 0.162767
PE13 2NB 0 52.662159 0.16243
PE13 2ND 0 52.660908 0.163921
PE13 2NE 0 52.661146 0.164672
PE13 2NF 1 52.660463 0.165141
PE13 2PB 0 52.662989 0.15629
PE13 2PD 0 52.66234 0.155859
PE13 2PE 2 52.662145 0.158215
PE13 2PF 0 52.66188 0.159917
PE13 2PG 0 52.661697 0.159598