all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 7BD 9 0 52.668791 0.207898
PE14 7BF 2 2 52.684773 0.207283
PE14 7BH 1 0 52.677768 0.214445
PE14 7BE 7 1 52.659459 0.201631
PE14 7BG 4 1 52.655678 0.202786
PE14 7BJ 12 0 52.657696 0.190023
PE14 7BL 3 1 52.662333 0.18678
PE14 7BN 31 0 52.66646 0.188643
PE14 7BP 2 0 52.674233 0.195761
PE14 7BQ 36 4 52.660222 0.192516
PE14 7BS 9 0 52.670301 0.190003
PE14 7BT 34 0 52.670929 0.191558
PE14 7BU 15 0 52.67075 0.190055
PE14 7DA 16 13 52.687511 0.20606
PE14 7DB 15 0 52.691583 0.20412
PE14 7DD 27 0 52.685775 0.219126
PE14 7DN 66 0 52.692715 0.209475
PE14 7DE 35 3 52.694324 0.206108
PE14 7DF 16 0 52.696605 0.208206
PE14 7ER 7 0 52.685589 0.214619