all postcodes in PE29 / HUNTINGDON

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE29 3EN 4 3 52.33291 -0.187447
PE29 3ER 1 1 52.33245 -0.18613
PE29 3EX 42 0 52.334845 -0.189276
PE29 3EZ 43 3 52.334236 -0.188273
PE29 3FA 16 0 52.330023 -0.180359
PE29 3FF 6 0 52.328777 -0.179442
PE29 3FG 10 10 52.331029 -0.181648
PE29 3GH 1 1 52.329961 -0.187406
PE29 3HA 26 0 52.334437 -0.189689
PE29 3HB 30 0 52.332559 -0.185671
PE29 3HD 8 0 52.334166 -0.189568
PE29 3HE 10 0 52.333932 -0.190179
PE29 3HF 19 0 52.334657 -0.189944
PE29 3HN 3 0 52.333515 -0.186982
PE29 3HR 2 0 52.33336 -0.185897
PE29 3LA 5 0 52.33153 -0.185419
PE29 3LB 12 2 52.331259 -0.184697
PE29 3LE 9 5 52.330041 -0.183851
PE29 3LF 84 1 52.331922 -0.182835
PE29 3LG 8 6 52.330272 -0.183123