all postcodes in PE29 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE29 3LH 1 1 52.331028 -0.184926
PE29 3LJ 8 4 52.330503 -0.182321
PE29 3LL 1 1 52.330983 -0.184869
PE29 3LN 4 3 52.330681 -0.182196
PE29 3LS 1 1 52.330539 -0.183523
PE29 3LZ 7 4 52.330481 -0.181729
PE29 3NB 5 4 52.330406 -0.182113
PE29 3NE 6 6 52.329964 -0.182343
PE29 3NF 8 7 52.3295 -0.181666
PE29 3NG 1 1 52.329754 -0.182161
PE29 3NJ 3 2 52.330119 -0.184274
PE29 3NL 11 0 52.330205 -0.18226
PE29 3NQ 17 7 52.330071 -0.181707
PE29 3NR 4 1 52.33027 -0.184737
PE29 3NS 1 1 52.330016 -0.184586
PE29 3NU 1 1 52.332115 -0.189534
PE29 3NY 1 1 52.333292 -0.18774
PE29 3PA 12 6 52.329651 -0.184449
PE29 3PB 1 1 52.329651 -0.180741
PE29 3PE 19 3 52.328413 -0.182069