all postcodes in PE29 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE29 3PG 2 2 52.327584 -0.181554
PE29 3PJ 1 1 52.330291 -0.184325
PE29 3PN 14 12 52.32983 -0.183194
PE29 3PR 1 1 52.329318 -0.183602
PE29 3QA 2 2 52.329597 -0.180943
PE29 3QD 3 1 52.330345 -0.179671
PE29 3QE 0 52.330695 -0.179055
PE29 3QF 0 52.329103 -0.179619
PE29 3QG 0 52.329451 -0.179414
PE29 3QH 1 52.330549 -0.179501
PE29 3QJ 0 52.329187 -0.179175
PE29 3QL 0 52.329463 -0.178445
PE29 3QN 0 52.329881 -0.178134
PE29 3QQ 0 52.329066 -0.178344
PE29 3QR 0 52.329828 -0.178797
PE29 3QS 0 52.329303 -0.178011
PE29 3QT 2 52.328512 -0.178557
PE29 3QW 4 52.330097 -0.177568
PE29 3QX 0 52.329207 -0.177575
PE29 3QZ 0 52.329603 -0.177588