all postcodes in PH15 / ABERFELDY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH15 2BB 13 56.61902 -3.867532
PH15 2BE 0 56.619816 -3.859373
PH15 2BF 0 56.617229 -3.875478
PH15 2BG 1 56.619439 -3.867614
PH15 2BH 3 56.619808 -3.870064
PH15 2BJ 3 56.618047 -3.868266
PH15 2BL 4 56.618507 -3.870521
PH15 2BN 0 56.617422 -3.874558
PH15 2BP 1 56.61935 -3.873041
PH15 2BQ 0 56.619344 -3.860279
PH15 2BS 3 56.621179 -3.869138
PH15 2BT 0 56.61943 -3.86701
PH15 2BU 0 56.620522 -3.860239
PH15 2BW 0 56.616828 -3.874073
PH15 2BX 0 56.615229 -3.873859
PH15 2BY 0 56.617788 -3.87412
PH15 2BZ 0 56.617284 -3.876556
PH15 2DA 3 56.619722 -3.864287
PH15 2DB 0 56.619321 -3.864238
PH15 2DD 8 56.619722 -3.865007