all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 0RB 9 0 56.288202 -3.566475
PH2 0RD 5 0 56.274766 -3.578006
PH2 0RE 9 0 56.299681 -3.560432
PH2 0RF 8 0 56.311255 -3.589356
PH2 0RG 10 2 56.312362 -3.587847
PH2 0RH 14 3 56.313565 -3.589323
PH2 0RJ 27 1 56.312132 -3.589603
PH2 0RL 11 1 56.312146 -3.587857
PH2 0RN 3 0 56.3117 -3.58758
PH2 0RP 4 0 56.312074 -3.587188
PH2 0RQ 10 0 56.312867 -3.58834
PH2 0RR 6 2 56.31233 -3.586846
PH2 0RS 7 2 56.311917 -3.586163
PH2 0QW 3 0 56.31189 -3.585389
PH2 0RT 8 0 56.311648 -3.586042
PH2 0RU 22 0 56.312052 -3.583974
PH2 0RW 18 1 56.310816 -3.587155
PH2 0RX 12 0 56.312506 -3.584316
PH2 0RY 18 0 56.312506 -3.585657
PH2 0RZ 6 0 56.312342 -3.585861