all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 0PY 9 2 56.35864 -3.532637
PH2 0PZ 8 0 56.385566 -3.464541
PH2 0QA 9 2 56.370752 -3.468085
PH2 0QB 17 0 56.368146 -3.498162
PH2 0QD 9 1 56.365646 -3.489403
PH2 0QE 3 0 56.354735 -3.522217
PH2 0QF 5 0 56.359763 -3.515881
PH2 0QG 7 0 56.327271 -3.574981
PH2 0QJ 4 1 56.334518 -3.616496
PH2 0QL 3 0 56.329232 -3.607668
PH2 0QN 13 0 56.320945 -3.596777
PH2 0QP 1 0 56.321061 -3.591235
PH2 0QQ 16 0 56.332956 -3.581524
PH2 0QR 12 0 56.315378 -3.601342
PH2 0QS 12 1 56.308974 -3.604618
PH2 0QT 6 1 56.304258 -3.627178
PH2 0QU 3 0 56.307239 -3.643679
PH2 0QX 10 0 56.312355 -3.622317
PH2 0QY 7 0 56.319389 -3.640838
PH2 0RA 15 2 56.301831 -3.584342