all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 0LL 26 0 56.392638 -3.44615
PH2 0LN 13 0 56.393005 -3.448545
PH2 0LP 3 0 56.394546 -3.44815
PH2 0LQ 1 1 56.394524 -3.445444
PH2 0LR 12 0 56.394857 -3.44847
PH2 0LS 8 0 56.393866 -3.449453
PH2 0LT 5 1 56.393622 -3.451063
PH2 0LU 32 0 56.39152 -3.451048
PH2 0LW 9 0 56.393834 -3.447605
PH2 0LX 21 1 56.389791 -3.452926
PH2 0LY 17 1 56.38878 -3.454038
PH2 0LZ 17 0 56.387983 -3.455447
PH2 0NA 7 3 56.387395 -3.45648
PH2 0NB 20 1 56.387367 -3.459621
PH2 0ND 4 0 56.386287 -3.458235
PH2 0NE 2 1 56.385618 -3.456329
PH2 0NF 38 0 56.387331 -3.456607
PH2 0NH 1 1 56.383573 -3.462067
PH2 0NJ 31 30 56.382795 -3.435638
PH2 0NL 1 1 56.382791 -3.435233