all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 6AB 8 1 56.443068 -3.412946
PH2 6AD 7 0 56.451035 -3.413955
PH2 6AE 16 0 56.45713 -3.410466
PH2 6AF 2 1 56.47001 -3.425081
PH2 6AG 2 0 56.470845 -3.389448
PH2 6AH 6 0 56.453966 -3.385896
PH2 6AJ 1 1 56.457751 -3.386488
PH2 6AL 5 0 56.457942 -3.375752
PH2 6AN 3 0 56.469818 -3.353959
PH2 6AP 10 0 56.453864 -3.368384
PH2 6AQ 12 0 56.460288 -3.383805
PH2 6AR 2 0 56.454051 -3.348822
PH2 6AS 8 0 56.4593 -3.340375
PH2 6AT 6 2 56.467372 -3.341699
PH2 6AU 3 0 56.477419 -3.329876
PH2 6AW 9 1 56.454621 -3.374659
PH2 6AY 1 0 56.423771 -3.372669
PH2 6BB 22 2 56.425689 -3.429536
PH2 6BD 1 1 56.422662 -3.438016
PH2 6BG 4 0 56.432892 -3.448408