all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 6BH 5 0 56.447845 -3.45055
PH2 6BJ 6 0 56.462449 -3.454873
PH2 6BL 10 0 56.452607 -3.445945
PH2 6BN 6 0 56.473467 -3.435407
PH2 6BQ 1 0 56.439344 -3.435175
PH2 6BS 42 2 56.470969 -3.408689
PH2 6BT 25 0 56.473124 -3.407309
PH2 6BU 20 0 56.473197 -3.408756
PH2 6BW 1 0 56.480021 -3.414692
PH2 6BX 8 1 56.471659 -3.407319
PH2 6BY 12 0 56.469446 -3.407562
PH2 6BZ 8 0 56.46868 -3.409319
PH2 6DA 7 0 56.484536 -3.365364
PH2 6DB 7 1 56.480529 -3.353009
PH2 6DD 1 0 56.470671 -3.337383
PH2 6DE 2 0 56.479084 -3.377345
PH2 6DF 7 0 56.475725 -3.399791
PH2 6DG 16 0 56.485727 -3.377895
PH2 6DH 7 0 56.47419 -3.407559
PH2 6DJ 20 0 56.486037 -3.370192