all postcodes in PH3 / AUCHTERARDER

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH31 4AJ 11 1 56.89339 -4.837154
PH31 4AN 17 1 56.892648 -4.829816
PH31 4AP 6 0 56.890728 -4.765859
PH31 4AQ 86 0 56.890719 -4.866289
PH31 4AR 32 3 56.88843 -4.683346
PH31 4AS 16 0 56.88759 -4.838037
PH31 4AW 13 2 56.890532 -4.795271
PH32 4AU 12 7 57.144478 -4.682848
PH32 4AY 15 1 57.144276 -4.682194
PH32 4AZ 1 1 57.144033 -4.683895
PH32 4BA 20 3 57.144952 -4.683797
PH32 4BB 6 0 57.144897 -4.686355
PH32 4BD 8 6 57.144326 -4.679861
PH32 4BG 9 1 57.142976 -4.679945
PH32 4BH 18 2 57.14276 -4.684988
PH32 4BL 1 1 57.154498 -4.678684
PH32 4BN 16 0 57.153298 -4.679287
PH32 4BP 26 0 57.147946 -4.692512
PH32 4BQ 6 2 57.143033 -4.682335
PH32 4BT 25 2 57.135758 -4.724205