all postcodes in PH3 / AUCHTERARDER

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH32 4BJ 74 0 57.144664 -4.67665
PH32 4DE 40 0 57.144215 -4.675819
PH32 4DX 10 0 57.148235 -4.681141
PH32 4WA 1 1 57.144701 -4.681249
PH33 6AA 1 1 56.818899 -5.110051
PH33 6AD 15 14 56.816812 -5.112956
PH33 6AE 1 1 56.817239 -5.112057
PH33 6AG 4 1 56.817339 -5.111639
PH33 6AH 9 7 56.817614 -5.111469
PH33 6AJ 7 5 56.817785 -5.110365
PH33 6FB 2 2 56.823014 -5.104344
PH33 6FF 5 3 56.822852 -5.107933
PH33 6AN 2 2 56.821274 -5.104905
PH33 6FE 1 1 56.82227 -5.103868
PH33 6AQ 1 1 56.817725 -5.111331
PH33 6AS 1 1 56.818483 -5.109767
PH33 6AT 19 12 56.818143 -5.110448
PH33 6AU 1 1 56.818982 -5.108858
PH33 6AY 1 1 56.818156 -5.108465
PH33 6AZ 1 1 56.81931 -5.106508