all postcodes in PH3 / AUCHTERARDER

find any address or company within the PH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH32 4BU 4 0 57.149535 -4.682955
PH32 4BW 14 0 57.148123 -4.689731
PH32 4BX 1 0 57.152061 -4.671563
PH32 4BY 32 0 57.129831 -4.691125
PH32 4DS 24 3 57.137466 -4.688792
PH32 4BZ 14 4 57.139011 -4.661481
PH32 4DA 1 1 57.141899 -4.686584
PH32 4DD 7 6 57.145933 -4.68163
PH32 4DF 38 0 57.14653 -4.680174
PH32 4DG 11 1 57.147805 -4.681931
PH32 4DH 16 0 57.147922 -4.678523
PH32 4DJ 4 2 57.145472 -4.680065
PH32 4DL 3 2 57.143654 -4.68524
PH32 4DN 10 0 57.143659 -4.684579
PH32 4DP 9 0 57.141699 -4.686272
PH32 4DQ 8 0 57.148091 -4.684487
PH32 4DR 58 1 57.140409 -4.686493
PH32 4DT 1 0 57.141499 -4.687216
PH32 4DU 1 1 57.143805 -4.682374
PH32 4DW 4 0 57.141872 -4.685756