all postcodes in PH7 / CRIEFF

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH7 4DJ 2 2 56.371742 -3.846342
PH7 4DL 12 8 56.373246 -3.84248
PH7 4DN 7 2 56.373376 -3.843414
PH7 4DP 23 0 56.37395 -3.84532
PH7 4DQ 2 0 56.369743 -3.847848
PH7 4DR 16 0 56.374409 -3.844646
PH7 4DS 4 0 56.37411 -3.846025
PH7 4DT 26 3 56.372867 -3.845624
PH7 4DU 12 0 56.372446 -3.844292
PH7 4DW 9 0 56.373591 -3.844089
PH7 4DX 3 0 56.372105 -3.846106
PH7 4DY 18 0 56.373198 -3.846887
PH7 4DZ 20 0 56.374749 -3.847167
PH7 4EA 9 0 56.376336 -3.846812
PH7 4EB 6 0 56.375873 -3.848345
PH7 4ED 14 0 56.377771 -3.848793
PH7 4EE 8 0 56.375108 -3.849004
PH7 4EF 28 0 56.373066 -3.847933
PH7 4EG 7 0 56.372598 -3.84919
PH7 4EH 43 0 56.369671 -3.848449