all postcodes in PH7 / CRIEFF

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH7 4HN 5 2 56.347031 -3.843324
PH7 4HP 4 0 56.368826 -3.863466
PH7 4HQ 17 13 56.363613 -3.852133
PH7 4HR 6 0 56.369019 -3.876882
PH7 4HS 7 0 56.366411 -3.88412
PH7 4HT 6 0 56.364111 -3.899403
PH7 4HU 9 0 56.368843 -3.913029
PH7 4HW 3 0 56.361144 -3.862185
PH7 4HX 2 0 56.360822 -3.906437
PH7 4HY 2 1 56.351607 -3.887948
PH7 4HZ 17 0 56.33919 -3.881322
PH7 4JA 3 0 56.334776 -3.886152
PH7 4JB 5 0 56.351432 -3.877539
PH7 4JD 1 0 56.354597 -3.869683
PH7 4JF 3 0 56.376874 -3.852911
PH7 4JH 7 0 56.372046 -3.852434
PH7 4JJ 3 0 56.377348 -3.853032
PH7 4JL 5 0 56.377731 -3.870606
PH7 4JN 45 0 56.381316 -3.85269
PH7 4JP 3 0 56.38509 -3.891943