all postcodes in PL12 / SALTASH

find any address or company within the PL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL12 4UT 16 0 50.410263 -4.241832
PL12 4UU 18 0 50.411235 -4.23902
PL12 4UW 8 0 50.406089 -4.237201
PL12 4UX 42 0 50.409078 -4.242198
PL12 4UY 12 0 50.409419 -4.241299
PL12 4XA 3 0 50.405449 -4.234469
PL12 4XB 11 0 50.405605 -4.235236
PL12 4XR 13 0 50.413348 -4.240908
PL12 4XS 22 0 50.409691 -4.239327
PL12 4XT 17 0 50.410039 -4.238528
PL12 4XU 4 0 50.409981 -4.239243
PL12 4XW 1 1 50.408555 -4.213616
PL12 4XX 5 0 50.409874 -4.239618
PL12 4XY 8 0 50.409219 -4.23908
PL12 4XZ 21 0 50.409212 -4.23991
PL12 4YW 1 1 50.408555 -4.213616
PL12 4GT 1 50.407806 -4.205699
PL12 4QP 0 50.414426 -4.262355
PL12 4FD 0 50.413214 -4.238058
PL12 4WU 1 0 50.408555 -4.213616