all postcodes in PL12 / SALTASH

find any address or company within the PL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL12 4PH 0 50.407186 -4.223179
PL12 4PJ 0 50.404957 -4.220246
PL12 4PL 0 50.414302 -4.234801
PL12 4PN 0 50.406246 -4.220601
PL12 4PP 0 50.40286 -4.224116
PL12 4PQ 0 50.404711 -4.217574
PL12 4PR 0 50.403136 -4.225663
PL12 4PS 0 50.402714 -4.224672
PL12 4PT 0 50.408646 -4.22678
PL12 4PU 0 50.407948 -4.227972
PL12 4PX 0 50.407983 -4.228987
PL12 4PY 0 50.407135 -4.232381
PL12 4PZ 0 50.404715 -4.234322
PL12 4QA 0 50.40436 -4.229844
PL12 4QB 0 50.404437 -4.234059
PL12 4QF 0 50.405326 -4.23763
PL12 4QD 0 50.405238 -4.235177
PL12 4QE 0 50.406924 -4.234961
PL12 4QG 0 50.403612 -4.239537
PL12 4QH 0 50.403387 -4.258131