all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 8HG 5 0 50.529466 -4.311711
PL17 8HH 5 1 50.525934 -4.301548
PL17 8HJ 10 0 50.530702 -4.298817
PL17 8HL 34 0 50.529517 -4.302277
PL17 8HN 9 0 50.531801 -4.301425
PL17 8HP 10 0 50.525317 -4.286284
PL17 8HR 4 0 50.524509 -4.287543
PL17 8HQ 2 0 50.526103 -4.305215
PL17 8HS 6 0 50.522872 -4.281609
PL17 8HT 2 0 50.527564 -4.281299
PL17 8HU 1 0 50.520314 -4.274869
PL17 8HW 4 1 50.528328 -4.292314
PL17 8HX 2 0 50.518588 -4.275293
PL17 8HY 11 0 50.522766 -4.265858
PL17 8HZ 4 0 50.516653 -4.2727
PL17 8JA 2 1 50.515051 -4.254175
PL17 8JB 15 0 50.512484 -4.262329
PL17 8JD 13 1 50.511153 -4.261282
PL17 8JE 39 1 50.511914 -4.25879
PL17 8JF 3 0 50.50916 -4.259801