all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 8EF 8 1 50.518941 -4.314469
PL17 8EG 14 4 50.518308 -4.313296
PL17 8EH 11 0 50.516572 -4.314212
PL17 8EJ 11 2 50.518128 -4.317378
PL17 8EL 13 0 50.521705 -4.316185
PL17 8EN 6 0 50.522196 -4.31635
PL17 8EP 4 0 50.523646 -4.316689
PL17 8EQ 2 2 50.519435 -4.314921
PL17 8ER 31 0 50.520545 -4.312544
PL17 8ES 4 0 50.520476 -4.31508
PL17 8ET 7 0 50.52098 -4.313722
PL17 8EU 4 0 50.520456 -4.312883
PL17 8EW 2 0 50.52312 -4.315948
PL17 8EX 13 8 50.518942 -4.310364
PL17 8EY 21 0 50.522306 -4.317597
PL17 8EZ 24 0 50.521178 -4.314621
PL17 8HB 1 0 50.52383 -4.280043
PL17 8HD 5 0 50.52367 -4.310962
PL17 8HE 12 0 50.525104 -4.312998
PL17 8HF 11 0 50.528145 -4.308443