all postcodes in PL18 / CALSTOCK

find any address or company within the PL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
PL18 9DB050.520446-4.209694
PL18 9DD050.520766-4.209893
PL18 9DE050.520482-4.211218
PL18 9DF050.521402-4.210584
PL18 9DG050.522117-4.209883
PL18 9DH050.522655-4.209965
PL18 9DJ050.522323-4.21077
PL18 9DN050.515636-4.222403
PL18 9DP050.518001-4.220568
PL18 9DQ050.522171-4.211776
PL18 9DR050.518725-4.218471
PL18 9DS050.522233-4.213698
PL18 9DT050.515821-4.218843
PL18 9DU050.5154-4.218301
PL18 9DX050.518808-4.221621
PL18 9DY050.516724-4.220578
PL18 9EA050.516136-4.221665
PL18 9ED050.516081-4.218898
PL18 9EE150.515809-4.220916
PL18 9EF050.517281-4.246378