all postcodes in PL18 / CALSTOCK

find any address or company within the PL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL18 9AA 10 0 50.508586 -4.210467
PL18 9AB 7 0 50.508877 -4.214611
PL18 9AD 8 1 50.513507 -4.21755
PL18 9AE 7 0 50.512102 -4.219586
PL18 9AF 4 0 50.513415 -4.222877
PL18 9AG 3 0 50.512673 -4.223562
PL18 9AH 2 0 50.512278 -4.223927
PL18 9AJ 24 2 50.512147 -4.224764
PL18 9AL 20 0 50.51105 -4.225644
PL18 9AN 19 0 50.508543 -4.223636
PL18 9AP 1 0 50.522258 -4.235934
PL18 9AQ 3 0 50.512744 -4.224101
PL18 9AR 14 5 50.519693 -4.225669
PL18 9AS 17 7 50.524382 -4.230633
PL18 9AT 15 2 50.524824 -4.236747
PL18 9AU 1 1 50.526471 -4.245065
PL18 9AW 12 0 50.511998 -4.231023
PL18 9AX 60 0 50.539309 -4.247693
PL18 9AY 5 0 50.535415 -4.25884
PL18 9AZ 9 0 50.525231 -4.251059