all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL19 8HY 0 50.534064 -4.181597
PL19 8HZ 0 50.52872 -4.184498
PL19 8JA 1 50.53401 -4.192136
PL19 8JB 0 50.542195 -4.201182
PL19 8JD 1 50.538317 -4.200804
PL19 8JE 4 50.532447 -4.203494
PL19 8JF 0 50.535431 -4.209264
PL19 8JG 0 50.529177 -4.209409
PL19 8JH 0 50.517737 -4.186995
PL19 8JJ 0 50.510157 -4.185967
PL19 8JL 0 50.50667 -4.194381
PL19 8JN 1 50.506084 -4.175231
PL19 8JP 0 50.532232 -4.155322
PL19 8JQ 0 50.531801 -4.19473
PL19 8JR 3 50.533964 -4.155584
PL19 8JW 0 50.516201 -4.17056
PL19 8JY 2 50.548645 -4.149097
PL19 8JZ 1 50.548573 -4.149616
PL19 8LA 0 50.547719 -4.152034
PL19 8LB 0 50.547378 -4.152498