all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL19 8ND 0 50.549653 -4.154973
PL19 8NE 0 50.549566 -4.154292
PL19 8NG 0 50.550649 -4.156543
PL19 8NH 1 50.550468 -4.16437
PL19 8NJ 0 50.552727 -4.167664
PL19 8NL 0 50.547751 -4.182229
PL19 8NN 2 50.54685 -4.187565
PL19 8NP 2 50.551605 -4.185781
PL19 8NR 0 50.557031 -4.197158
PL19 8NS 2 50.55703 -4.199586
PL19 8NT 1 50.554863 -4.208069
PL19 8NU 0 50.552685 -4.205313
PL19 8NW 0 50.549023 -4.185365
PL19 8NX 0 50.548763 -4.202435
PL19 8NY 0 50.548246 -4.216469
PL19 8NZ 0 50.543195 -4.217686
PL19 8PA 0 50.541975 -4.216556
PL19 8PB 0 50.540904 -4.224156
PL19 8PD 0 50.545503 -4.232886
PL19 8PE 0 50.544485 -4.233951