all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL19 9AG 0 50.544424 -4.134663
PL19 9AH 0 50.54604 -4.136755
PL19 9AJ 0 50.546828 -4.134518
PL19 9AL 0 50.547428 -4.136606
PL19 9AN 0 50.546072 -4.130574
PL19 9AP 0 50.537128 -4.143041
PL19 9AQ 1 50.543758 -4.130752
PL19 9AR 0 50.547418 -4.133697
PL19 9AS 1 50.547654 -4.143886
PL19 9AT 0 50.541754 -4.145792
PL19 9AU 0 50.542666 -4.145621
PL19 9AW 0 50.544404 -4.139631
PL19 9AX 0 50.541777 -4.144593
PL19 9AY 0 50.543136 -4.144499
PL19 9AZ 22 50.544995 -4.147534
PL19 9BA 1 50.538671 -4.149603
PL19 9BB 6 50.544446 -4.144601
PL19 9FD 4 50.545824 -4.145976
PL19 9BD 1 50.542027 -4.142247
PL19 9BE 0 50.539965 -4.140884