all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL19 9DG 0 50.538756 -4.13572
PL19 9DH 0 50.537604 -4.136726
PL19 9DJ 0 50.53868 -4.134474
PL19 9DL 0 50.536742 -4.141542
PL19 9DN 0 50.535872 -4.13995
PL19 9DP 13 50.537015 -4.149189
PL19 9DQ 1 50.534473 -4.131857
PL19 9DS 2 50.537324 -4.145605
PL19 9DT 1 50.537669 -4.145394
PL19 9DU 0 50.531548 -4.138865
PL19 9DW 0 50.536859 -4.142013
PL19 9DX 0 50.533282 -4.131592
PL19 9DY 0 50.536229 -4.121351
PL19 9DZ 0 50.540404 -4.119366
PL19 9EA 2 50.550651 -4.141819
PL19 9EB 0 50.531071 -4.146661
PL19 9ED 2 50.534028 -4.12869
PL19 9EE 0 50.533361 -4.130706
PL19 9EF 0 50.533077 -4.130044
PL19 9EG 1 50.532659 -4.129772