all postcodes in PL2 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL2 2LD 15 0 50.390768 -4.165191
PL2 2LE 20 0 50.39083 -4.168134
PL2 2LF 25 0 50.391581 -4.169577
PL2 2LG 20 0 50.391808 -4.170191
PL2 2LH 19 0 50.39291 -4.168765
PL2 2LJ 12 0 50.391663 -4.168075
PL2 2LL 6 1 50.392433 -4.166575
PL2 2LN 20 0 50.391155 -4.166898
PL2 2LP 1 0 50.392895 -4.167161
PL2 2LQ 6 0 50.392418 -4.168854
PL2 2LR 26 0 50.391328 -4.166046
PL2 2LS 17 0 50.39647 -4.161342
PL2 2LW 20 0 50.391992 -4.16688
PL2 2LZ 14 0 50.395491 -4.163689
PL2 2NA 9 4 50.390772 -4.164473
PL2 2NB 7 0 50.39139 -4.165135
PL2 2ND 16 1 50.392308 -4.166063
PL2 2PW 43 0 50.394412 -4.1673
PL2 2NG 3 0 50.395145 -4.168247
PL2 2NH 17 1 50.396065 -4.162351