all postcodes in PL2 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL2 2NJ 5 3 50.395883 -4.165846
PL2 2NL 16 2 50.395027 -4.166174
PL2 2NN 3 0 50.396831 -4.162723
PL2 2NP 10 0 50.39757 -4.159239
PL2 2NQ 8 0 50.391979 -4.166329
PL2 2NR 18 0 50.397797 -4.158208
PL2 2NS 10 0 50.398437 -4.158589
PL2 2NT 22 0 50.398962 -4.159851
PL2 2NU 51 0 50.39778 -4.163428
PL2 2NW 54 0 50.397047 -4.161256
PL2 2NX 51 0 50.39872 -4.160769
PL2 2NY 20 0 50.397743 -4.163004
PL2 2NZ 20 0 50.398437 -4.161023
PL2 2PA 13 0 50.391428 -4.164503
PL2 2PB 33 11 50.390044 -4.161797
PL2 2PE 13 0 50.389966 -4.166716
PL2 2PF 6 0 50.389579 -4.166234
PL2 2PG 31 0 50.390275 -4.165126
PL2 2PH 51 4 50.391546 -4.162047
PL2 2PJ 62 1 50.391979 -4.162967